Once again, the magic of Google Photo’s “Auto-Awesome” more accurately captures our Christmas card photo shoot than still images ever could.

For a more accurate representation, Nora’s pictures with the O were taken first. She didn’t get happy until she got the “N” for Nora.





Merry Christmas. 🙂

Summer Days, Summer Days

It’s been a busy month or two over at the Treacle Well, in part because we were planning a much-needed family vacation to Florida. (Thanks to Heather with Travel With the Magic for helping us with the Disney portion of our trip!)

We just got back, but of course have tons of pictures! With the magic again of Google’s Auto-Awesome feature, I have some favorite little animated GIFs from the hundreds of pictures I took.

Jude at the beach in Melbourne, FL
Jude at the beach in Melbourne, FL
Nora at the Beach in Melbourne, FL
Nora at the Beach in Melbourne, FL
Seth dancing with Cinderella at 1900 Park Fare
Seth dancing with Cinderella at 1900 Park Fare
A surprise entrance into the Rapunzel picture
A surprise entrance into the Rapunzel picture
My boys, hanging out at Hollywood & Vine (Hollywood Studios)
My boys, hanging out at Hollywood & Vine (Hollywood Studios)
Nora dances with her favorite princess, Sofia the First
Nora dances with her favorite princess, Sofia the First
My Sunshine Boy
My Sunshine Boy

Birthday weekend!

I know someone who had a birthday this weekend …


Could it be … NORA?


Yes, our spunky and feisty little girl turned four this weekend. We celebrated with Aunt Jeannie and Uncle Nelson, a whole bunch of Sofia the First decorations (Mommy may love Sofia just as much as Nora), and a Cinderella cupcake “cake.”


Okay, maybe you have to squint a bit to see it, but it’s a Cinderella dress made out of cupcakes. I’m telling you, you haven’t truly lived until you’re pawing at your smartphone with buttercream-crusted fingers to find out exactly which shades of blue you need for Cindy’s dress. And kudos to my mom for taking the time to put the little pearls on as decoration! I pointed out that she’d made a “Hidden Mickey”, which was entirely by chance. 🙂


Happy birthday, sweet girl! You are full of imagination, dreams, and drama. You might just be the funniest person I know, too.


So it begins!

Half marathon training has officially begun!

I saw so many of my bunny friends out this morning, so it felt like a good start to the plan.

This may sound silly, but a simple change for summer running has made a big difference: tank tops. I didn’t think that removing sleeve would make such a huge difference in body temperature, but it’s been night and day. Feeling a breeze (such as it is) on my shoulders has been a great change to my running quality of life!



This morning was a gorgeous sunrise. I’m trying to be appreciative while I’m out running, taking the time to think about what’s good about the day and run itself instead of just wanting to stop breathing or go home.

I’m looking for the race I’ll use to complete the training in mid-October … right at my birthday!