A Dream is a wish … etc.
Pardon me, my four-year-old has been watching Cinderella over and over. Yes, the classic and iconic princess has claimed Nora’s #1 Princess spot, over the likes of Elsa, Sofia, etc. Rapunzel and Elsa are probably rounding out the top three, with Sofia making a strong push for third too.
This past weekend was the Disney World Princess Half Marathon weekend, full of such fun as the Glass Slipper Challenge (10K + Half Marathon), kids’ races, a fun 5K, and princesses everywhere. I would have loved to run this but … did I mention baby due in June? And not a good pregnant runner? Thought I might have.
Also this weekend came an announcement of a Disney race close to my heart: the inaugural Disneyland Paris half marathon in September 2016. The husband is French, see, and 2016 is our 10th anniversary year. I’d already talked about wanting to do the Tinkerbell Half (Disneyland in California) as my “We’re done having babies!” race in May 2016, and the Wine and Dine Half Marathon (Disney World in Florida) since it’s near our anniversary in November 2016. (And earn that coast-to-coast, because why not? It’s a big year.) So if we added in a Disneyland Paris in September for an unofficial “around the Disney world” challenge … ah, it’d be so fun. And expensive. Let’s not forget expensive.
So dreams and wishes and et cetera … in honor of all the Disney racing fun, I thought I’d share some fun running costume boards I’ve put together. I started doing these for the Disney 10K in 2014, and it’s become a fun little hobby of mine. I’ve done some of the “main” princesses, but love to do characters less known or emulated.
First: a princess who always does her best. Sofia‘s sister Princess Amber.
Not feeling the princess vibe? How about Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates?
Oh, okay … in honor of the French run and my own teenage Disney obsession, here’s country Belle.
What are your running dreams for 2016? If the Disney plan doesn’t work out for me, I may have to look into the Texas Wine series …
Coffee Break
I love the blog posts I’ve seen others do that are written as if we’re sitting and having coffee today. I’ve had all sorts of random thoughts floating through my head, so it’s time for a coffee date!
Today over coffee, I’d tell you …
Time flies when you’re not looking. I know many moms of young children (myself included) wish some of the endless witching hours would go away. We hate it when people say, “Treasure these times! They go so fast!” because they feel interminable when things are not going well, aren’t fun, and are fraught with stress about discipline, illness, and other “are we making the right call?” choices.
My littlest moved into his big boy bed the other night. My daughter had a father-daughter dance this weekend and looked too grown-up in some of her pictures. I went with my oldest on a field trip to the zoo and he wrote a narrative zoo journal about his trip.
My catalogue of tiny baby memories for each of them is growing the tiniest bit slimmer every day, but I’m adding to their bigger kid catalogues. It’s wonderful and bittersweet. Time does fly, at least outside of those crazy times.
Did you hear that Iran wants to start promoting their country as a tourist destination? I would love to someday visit Iran as a tourist. Yes, really. There’s so much history and so many beautiful places to experience. But seriously … The risks of traveling there seem to far outweigh the non-risks. I’ll content myself for now with dreaming of a someday trip to Cuba. Maybe one day more “forbidden” places will be safe and open for travel.
It’s almost time to start my Hypnobabies again. Except I seem to have misplaced my workbook … Ugh. Hypnobabies is a self-hypnosis, guided meditation and relaxation way of prepping for labor and delivery … And the last trimester of pregnancy, and the early postpartum days too, in my opinion. I know, I know – how crunchy.
I started HB during my pregnancy with Nora as a way to last longer before the epidural. (You can read more about her birth here.) I used it again, although not as diligently, when pregnant with Jude. (His story here.) Even if I still end up the epidural route, HB helps so much in the mental processes around pregnancy, labor, and delivery that I still think it’s worthwhile. It’d be nice to NOT have the epidural (and the possibility of a spinal headache, the epidural shakes and chills, the dropping blood pressure), but I’m not going to presume anything. I’ll aim for a positive experience in whatever way that comes to me and this baby.
And HB helps me sleep better. I can definitely use some of that!
My job is … Fine. I’m not in a super-excited place about it, but I’m not super-negative about it. Maybe it’s contentment? That’s at least something to aim for. And super excitement isn’t something I necessarily want leading up to maternity leave. This may be a good time for exploration within the job and the possibilities I’ve been too busy to examine during other periods.
I think this baby likes yoga. I haven’t been as good about getting a short practice or two in during the week. I did 20 minutes tonight, and I could really tell the (tight) difference in my hips and legs. After even just those 20 minutes, the baby started moving around and kicking more than I’d felt other evenings. I think s/he appreciates the room around their room now!
One of these days I’m going to leave an entry exactly as typed and auto-corrected to see if it makes any sense at all. The iPad just changed “baby started” to “baby’s tatted” in the last paragraph. I mean, come on.
Pregnancy Update: Weeks 18, 19, 20
How far along? 20 weeks as of Saturday
Total weight gain/loss: I’m back on the weight gain train! I think I’ve gained about nine pounds since getting pregnant.
Maternity clothes? This week’s weird experience is having maternity pants too tight in the legs but loose in the hips. What?! I’m also on the quest to find a maternity dress appropriate for my sister’s wedding. Finding a dress that is not black or navy is proving to be a challenge. In other news, my Stitch Fixes are now including maternity clothes, which is interesting! I’ll share an update on that separately, but those weekly pictures are all StitchFix outfits. Same pink/red top in the 18 and 20 week pictures, actually!
Stretch marks? I feel like the ones on my legs are trying to spread. I’m also wondering if my legs are trying to develop varicose veins, so I’m contemplating running compression socks as everyday wear. Thoughts?
Sleep: I love my pillows. My husband loves my pillows … I had to push him off of it last night 😉
Best moment this week(s): We had our anatomy ultrasound at 18.5 weeks, so two weeks ago. Everything seems to be developing normal and on pace! Baby Mouse is still a surprise baby, too.
Movement: Lots and stronger! On Friday I was sitting with my hand lightly resting on my belly. Suddenly my hand popped off because of a tiny little kick or punch that could be felt from the outside!
Food cravings: Limes, avocados, and salt. Always with the salt. Still not really fond of chicken.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken and pork, in particular. Sweet things – dessert isn’t so fun right now, which should be helping with that tight pants syndrome but isn’t! Also anything with cream cheese icing – BLECH.
Gender prediction: Still think it’s a girl!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose.
Feeling all the Feels or Just Some of the Feels? Not as emotional all the time, but I’m starting to see those peaks of frustration or crying or whatever. 🙂
Weekly Wisdom: I was on business travel this last week and somehow had the foresight to pack a Ziplock bag with some meal replacement shake mixes and granola bars, as well as a reusable water bottle for making the shakes. These came in handy several times when meals weren’t coinciding with my body’s needs (time zones) or during airport delays.
Milestones: Our anatomy scan was great, like I mentioned. My oldest son (6.5) decided that if the baby is a girl, her name should be Rachel. Why? Because he has a friend named Rachel [I think it’s a little crush] and that’s a nice name. I had a great friend named Rachel, too, and this was actually our girl name if Jude had been a girl. So we shall see, Seth!
Pregnancy Fitness: I need to get back into more regular yoga practices. It makes a big difference, but I’ve slacked off over the last week because of the travel and general fatigue. I did an in-person vinyasa flow class a week and a half ago, modifying with the instructor for pregnancy. It was wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed being in a yoga class with real people again. 🙂