My last post was on June 20, when I was 39 weeks pregnant. I had not even the tiniest clue that our baby would be born two days later!
More of a labor story and eventual baby updates will come soon, but I did want to share that our surprise baby surprised us on SO many levels! First of all, may we introduce:
That’s right … it’s a BOY!! For all of my conviction that we were having a girl, for all the times we were right before, for all the kids’ certainty … (for all the tiny little things like baby girl socks I bought while pregnant and now have tucked away) … Adam Robert joined us and made our family complete with THREE boys and one girl.
I can quite honestly say that I never thought I’d be mom to three boys! This will be an interesting ride, and we will be renewing that Sam’s or Costco membership, you better believe it. I may even have to learn about sports.
Anyway, Adam also surprised us with a pretty fast (but decently paced!) labor. Labor started Sunday night, I didn’t quite believe it since I wasn’t at 40 weeks yet, and he was born Monday morning.
He is a wonderful baby, he really is. And a redhead! Wow, does he have some RED hair. I hope it stays!
We’re taking it easy (as easy as we can with three older siblings), but I’m getting antsy about getting out and running or at least doing some yoga again!