Category: babies

Diapers, diapers, diapers!

Now that’s a charming title, right?

Diapers are a reality of living with babies. Well, I suppose unless you’re a proponent of Elimination Communication. (It’s a thing. Go look it up.) I’m pretty sure I couldn’t make that system work for me or our baby’s caregivers, so we’re sticking with diapers. For all of our kids, we’ve done a hybrid of cloth and disposable diapers. I get a lot of questions about why and how and what and what does this mean, so here’s my cloth diaper brain dump!

Cloth Diaper Brain Dump

Cloth diapers save us money in the monthly expenses of diapers, particularly since we live in a warm and sunny climate that doesn’t require additional dryer time. More on that later. Cloth also saves some landfill fodder, which is always good! Our use of cloth has slightly diminished with each child, partly due to time constraints. The biggest constraint, though, is who’s taking care of the baby. No, this isn’t a Daddy vs. Mommy thing … this is just the reality of Will’s business picking up and our younger kids being in preschool/Parents’ Day Out earlier than the older two were. I still love cloth diapers and plan to use them as much as possible with our new baby, too.

Jude @ Tiny
Newish Jude in a newborn Fuzzi Bunz

There are a LOT of different types of cloth diapers. I primarily use pocket diapers with snaps. They’re my favorites because you can wash them and dry them within a day, usually. All in one diapers are like pockets but don’t come apart, which means they take longer to dry. Some people get icked out by removing the insert from pocket diapers, but I see so much gross stuff as a mom anyway that this really isn’t that different! Some people use internal liners to make waste removal into the toilet (once they start eating solids) easier … I just felt like that was more $$ and trash in the landfill. (Even if it’s biodegradable.) I like snaps over velcro (also called aplix on diaper sites) because velcro wears out and kids can undo velcro! They also make diaper sprayers that connect to your toilet’s water line so you can spray solid waste directly into the toilet. THAT is tempting.

I used Fuzzi Bunz perfect size with Seth and Nora. Over the 4.5 years since I bought them (and used for 3 years!), the elastic wore out and needed to be replaced. I didn’t have time or patience to do that, so I switched to a few Rumparooz (which I love!) and BumGenius 4.0. There’s a a local boutique that I use for a lot of the more crunch-mama type things (non-lanolin nipple ointment, healing sprays and ointments for after birth, nursing bras, baby wraps/carriers, diapers) called Nurtured Family. It’s “local” to us … it’s northwest Houston, so still a good 45 – 60 minutes away from me. They are awesome. (Side note: They’ll also do nursing bra fittings for you, free classes on cloth diapering and baby wearing, and they’re great about swapping stuff out.) I got my Fuzzi Bunz there but to be very honest, I got my BG 4.0 at Buy Buy Baby, one at a time, with my periodic 20% off coupon. Then Nurtured Family had a big sale on the bulk order of diapers – Buy 5, get 1 free – and that was how I finished out my stash.

I think we have about 14-15 diapers, and that’ll usually get us through a day and a half while we do laundry. That’s during the early baby stages of lots of peeing and pooping, of course. Once they start on solid food and their systems shift to pooping less frequently (again, the Glamour of Parenting), you don’t have nearly as many. You could let them sit for a while in the wet pail while you build up a bigger load of laundry, but the stink always drives us to wash earlier than I’d like. That’s also because by the older age my kids are at preschool the majority of the time.

Jude napping in BumGenius
Jude napping in BumGenius

I’ve sent my kids to preschool in cloth diapers, and our caregivers were very accommodating. Even the best of intentions can sometimes lead to mistakes – parental or caregiver – like using diaper creams with the cloth diapers. Most creams will harm the absorbency of the diaper, so most of the time I default to disposable for during the day at preschool. I also tend to use disposable diapers once baby is sleeping longer at night, too. My kids all seem to be heavy wetters at night, and even double inserts can’t contain them sometimes.

The biggest “hardships” about cloth diapers are that most of the time you use a special detergent that won’t cause build-up. It lasts forever, though, because you’re only using it on diapers! I use the Rockin Green detergent. Never ever use fabric softener with your diapers! If you use liquid fabric softener on your other loads of laundry, you may want to think about switching to dryer sheets (or white vinegar) or doing a few loads without before you do your diapers. We found that the liquid fabric softener tended to leave a residue in the washer that would build up on our diapers. **Note: I’ve seen some sites start to recommend various Free & Clear detergents. Always check your diaper manufacturer’s recommendations. Those do NOT work well for my water hardness and diaper type.

We only line-dry our diapers (to save electricity and avoid softener build-up in the dryer), which is easy here in Houston. We put them on a sturdy drying rack or clothesline outside. They dry fairly quickly, and we have the advantage of the sun bleaching out the unattractive stains. 🙂 (It’s magic … try it on other stained clothing. Get it wet, dry it in the sun, and a lot of the stains will disappear.)

Prepping Fuzzi Bunz for Baby
Prepping Fuzzi Bunz for Baby

Another challenge of cloth diapers is the bulk of carrying them around. It’s not really that bad, though. I’ve also found that the Skip Hop Duo diaper bag has been great at carrying cloth diapers and all my other baby stuff around. It’s like a Mary Poppins bag, but it’s not enormously bulky! You also need some sort of bag to put wet diapers in. I’ve attached one of those dog poop baggie dispensers to put any sort of soiled diaper or clothing in. We also keep a gallon-sized ziploc in the diaper bag for soiled diapers.

So … there’s my brain dump! 🙂 Here’s a good link for learning some of the terminology. There’s a whole wide world of obsession out there …

Did you or will you cloth diaper? Which disposables are your favorites? I’m a Pampers Swaddlers fan, myself.

Diaper Deal

We mainly use cloth diapers, but Nora is still half in disposables and Seth wears disposables at night. We typically buy them at Sam’s, but I thought I’d check out the Amazon Mom /Subscribe & Save combo at and see if it was better. I also have Amazon Prime (free two-day shipping for a yearly fee) so I thought it’d be a good deal.

Was it ever! I got 30% off both these boxes, making each box under $30. I placed the order yesterday and they arrived this morning, even faster than promised! I have Nora’s diapers on a one or two month subscription (can’t remember; they’ll remind me before shipping) and Seth’s on a three month.

It’s definitely cheaper than Sam’s, more convenient, and more variety! I love Amazon.

What do babies NEED?

I spend some time on some Mommy-related message boards (my favorites are actually on the Knitter/Crocheter website Ravelry and get lots of good info there. One of the questions that comes up a lot from soon-to-be moms is, “Holy cow! There’s so much STUFF out there for babies! What do I actually NEED?”

When we registered for things with Seth (August 08), I had to keep reminding myself that babies just need a few essentials and the rest is frosting. Cover the Bs (belly, butt, body, and bed) with something basic and take it slowly with everything else. I ignored a lot of the manufacturers’ descriptions and instead looked at reviews from real parents on places like and the Babies R Us website. And I asked my friends what they actually used and what they never used. Take your time searching and finding what you like best. Anyone who gets impatient about your registry should get off your back – who’s the mommy here?! 🙂 Don’t mess with the mommy!

Here are my favorites/most usefuls for the four Bs. A lot of the list goes way beyond the basics, but I really appreciated all of them!

Baby’s Belly
Breastmilk! I was blessed that breastfeeding worked well with Seth from the beginning. Nora was more of a challenge, but we got there.
The First Years Nursing Pads (already have lanolin on them)
Bravado Nursing Bras
Feeding support pillow – I used a Boppy and had several slipcovers ready to do quick changes
Medela Pump in Style Advance
Medela Harmony Handheld pump (for the just in case; also to use before we opened the PISA and made it unreturnable)
Easy Expressions Hands-free Pumping Bustier
ONE bottle of a few different brands, to test to see what my baby would actually take. I registered for ‘sets’ but should’ve left them unopened until Seth chose a bottle.
Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags
Bottle warmer (bonus – for thawing frozen breast milk)
Ice cube trays for freezing food (bonus)
Booster/High chair combo that fits in a regular chair

Baby’s Butt
Pampers Swaddlers Newborn for the first few weeks
FuzziBunz cloth diapers
Allen’s Naturally Detergent
Cloth wipes (bonus)
Cloth wipe warmer (bonus)
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste (never use without a liner if you use cloth diapers!)
Waterproof pail liner bags (for cloth diapers) – get two so you always have one while the other is washing/drying!

Baby’s Body
Soft, lightweight onesies 
 a lot of them in a variety of sizes and colors – Gerber runs at least a size small, Carter’s and Circo (Target) were mostly true to size
Cotton zip-up footed jammies
Super-simple infant bath tub
Inflatable “Duck” tub by Munchkin (bonus – awesome when they start to outgrow the baby tub but aren’t ready for the great big bathtub)
Washcloths – thin and thicker
Hooded towels
Floating bath thermometer (bonus)
Grooming/healthcare set – note: you’ll probably get a lot of the basic grooming items at the hospital when you have the baby, so don’t sweat this. We got a thermometer, brush, aspirator, and other things from the hospital. And every medicine we’ve bought has had a dosing syringe with it.
Car seat – I would’ve gone for the Convertible only if my husband hadn’t been set on the carrier
Stroller – try folding it and picking it up while you’re in the store. Drive it around corners to see how it turns. Try putting something in the basket when the seat is completely reclined.

Baby’s Bed
Simple, firm mattress
Crib you can actually reach into
LARGE Square blankets suitable for swaddling – flannel and muslin
Pack and play with bassinet and changing table – this is seriously one of our most-used baby items.
Cotton sheets – several
Large waterproof pads – several. We would “layer” the bed when we made it: waterproof pad, sheet, waterproof pad, sheet. Saves time in the middle of the night if you have a leak!
Tiny Love mobile – it may not coordinate with your decor, but babies LOVE them

Bonus Items
Bouncer seat
Floor play mat
You’ll get toys regardless of whether you register or not!
Cool mist humidifer
Baby book

We never have used a changing table or dresser; we just kept a smaller waterproof pad and changed him in his crib or on the daybed in his room. We use a regular trash can for a diaper pail. After Seth was born, I went with him to a baby store that had several types of slings, wraps, carriers, etc. I found out he hated slings, was okay in a wrap, and did best in a Mei Tai! I’m so glad I didn’t buy everything before he arrived! Also, the Infantino Easy Rider is a way cheaper option than Baby Björn front carriers and worked well enough for us.